Budget & Salary Compensation Transparency Reporting
Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Salary Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us. The following information is required to be posted on our website:
A1. Current Fiscal Year Board Approved Budget:
2023-24 Original General Fund Budget
2022-23 Final General Fund Budget
2023-24 Original Food Service Budget
2022-23 Final Food Service Budget
B1. Personnel Expenditures:
2021-22 Personnel Expenditures
B2. Operating Expenditures:
2021-22 Operating Expenditures
C1. Current Bargaining Agreements:
2024-2027 DBEA-DBTC Master Agreement
2023-25 DBTC-ESP Master Agreement
C2. Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans:
Choices 500/1000 (Teachers/Principals)
Choices 1000/2000 (Teachers/Principals)
ABC Plan 1 (Teachers/Principals)
ABC Plan 2 20% (Teachers/Principals)
Balanced + Plan (Teachers/Principals)
Choices 500/1000 (Union Support Staff)
Choices 1000/2000 (Union Support Staff)
ABC Plan 1 (Union Support Staff)
ABC Plan 2 20% (Union Support Staff)
Balanced + Plan (Union Support Staff)
C3. Audited Financial Statements:
C4. Medical Benefit Plan Bids:
We have no medical benefits plan bids.
C5. Procurement Policy:
C6. Expense Reimbursement Policy:
Expense Reimbursement (Job Related)
Expense Reimbursement (Travel Related)
C7. Statement of Reimbursed Expenses:
2021-22 Statement of Reimbursed Expenses
D1. Employee Compensation Information:
Employee Compensation Information
E1. District Paid Association Dues:
2021-22 Annual Association Dues
F1. District Paid Lobbying Costs:
There were no district paid lobbying costs for 2021-21.
G1. Approved Deficit Elimination Plan:
The District has not incurred a deficit.
H1. District Credit Card Information:
I1. District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information:
There was no out of state travel.
Michigan School Data Portal:
Click here to access the Michigan School Data Portal
Educator Evaluation Systems Postings and Assurances:
Click here for the Overcoming (Covid) Learning Loss Plan (meets 98c requirements)
Click here and then search for the District FOIA policy and practices
Click here for the Parent-Student Handbook
All essential and non-essential board-approved courses are available to all K-12 students.
Click here to see the Record of Emergency/Safety Drills
Click here to access the School District's Wellness Policy
Participation in the District Wellness Committee is permitted for the general public and the school community. Those wishing to be included should contact the superintendent.
Click here to access the USDA Non-Discrimination Policy which DB-TC follows
Click here to access information on Personal Curricula
Click here to access the Annual Education Report
Section 98b Goal Progress Report
Continuity of Services Plan (ARP-ESSER III)
2020-21 Return to School Plan (Covid Plan)
DB-TC LEA Plan for Use of Funds (Covid)